11 January 2011

It’s all about bread

When arriving on my first night in Meru, Kenya I got settled in and went to see Alf, the founder and missionary behind KCA. I was greeted with a big smile and open arms, and was told how happy they all were to have me there. The table was set and a pot of food was waiting at the table. They had expected me quite a few hours earlier, but as it seem extremely tricky to time anything on this continent, I didn’t arrive until 9 pm. I was excited about having homemade Kenyan food and replied “yes, that would be lovely”, when asked if I wanted some warm dinner, closely followed by “I mean, if that’s what you usually eat”. The reply I got surprised me and sounded too good to be true. Alf said: “Well, usually we only have bread, jam and tea in the evening”. I’m certain I looked stunned and almost offended, but this was music to my ears as I stuttered, “Bread? Really? BREAD?” All I’ve been telling ppl at home for the last four months is how much I miss bread, and I found myself rude enough to request bread and jam instead of the wonderfully delicious prepared meal.

The bread was made of whole grains. It was fresh out of the oven from the super market. It was still warm. It was difficult to slice which resulted in nice, thick slices. The butter melted on the bread as in perfect harmony. It turned into a bread orgy. I had seven slices of warm untoasted brown bread with jam.



  1. Her er vi på jakt etter knekkebrød. Aner du hva det heter på engelsk?? Vi fant det ikke på Target, men ryktene sier at det har blitt ganske så pop etter at Oprah fortalte om det.
    Hun er jo tross alt dronningen her borte ;)

  2. Hehe, høres kjent ut. Jeg har kjøpt det på Publix eller liknende dagligvarebutikker tidligere. De har garantert Wasa, spesielt i den helse-bevisste staten du har forvillet deg inn i ;)

  3. Yes yes KR its all about the bread,,, sorry i do not understand NORSK but your journal is simple and beautiful. Have you by any chance studied to be an author/ script? the flow on your article is simply beautiful
